Quality of Life: Outstanding Fulfillment – Category #11
We have the right to live for ourselves, committing to be the best we can be, happy and self-actualized. We need self-responsible people that make the world better by making themselves better. Some people have guilt from spending time and energy on themselves, especially with the world needing so much help, however, we need to help ourselves before we can help others.
We need to let go of the guilt around becoming an extraordinary person. Health, wealth, relationships, experiences and fulfillment are primal towards self-actualization. When you move towards your goal, you start to outshine those around who are not moving in the same direction. We need to break through emotional barriers and create positive change in our life.
Happiness and fulfillment are about living joyfully and fully every day, living a life of abundance, having leisure time to explore interest and fascinations, enjoy time with loved ones, have adventures and create unforgettable memories. Everything in our life should be about improving our quality of life. This depends on the other categories we focus on: Having a healthy body, mind, heart, with positive relationships, work… striving for excellence, balancing desires, needs, goals, and responsibilities.
The three areas of focus are the material things we want, the experiences we want to have and the environments you want to be surrounded by. Define the stuff you want, your dreams and aspirations, the material rewards you want in life.
Quality of Life Premise
Your Premise refers to the foundational beliefs you hold about this category. What do you believe? What deeply held beliefs are shaping your life? Are your beliefs empowering? Do they move you at a deep level or are they holding you back? What is your Premise for this area of your life, or what would you like it to be?
1) I believe I deserve the best life has to offer. I dare to ask for what I really want.
2) My purposes in life is to help create the best quality of life for myself and those around me, helping others to do the same.
3) Living a high quality of life is a choice I make every day at every moment, focusing on all categories of my life. .
4) Quality of life is about living on purpose, surrounded by good things, doing good for myself and others, staying present, experiencing, loving, sharing.
5) I find leverage areas to improve my categories.
6) I take my happiness seriously and chose positive emotions on a daily basis, I dismiss negative emotions as soon as I can.
8) I choose to live an extraordinary life, take the gift of life and live it to the fullest.
7) I create world-class experiences, attend unforgettable events and create memories. I get off my but and live an extraordinary life.
9) I know true happiness does not require material things, but I also know that material things don’t necessarily make me unhappy. I know things can make me happy when I am already happy in other areas of life.
10) My home makes me happy, I could be happy sitting in a rock, but I can also be happy living in a mansion. I can be happy riding the bus but can also be happy with a Ferrari. I can be happy being sober but also got fun getting high, drunk .
11) Things both large and small can make us happy. Some things bring lasting happiness and others are fleeting, but everything is ephemeral, I embrace every moment of happiness and joy, some of them coming from material stuff.
12) I do not let material things anchor me down, I do not overindulge or let material things tie me down. I do not overconsume or overbuy. I am not a slave to the stuff I own.
13) Quality experiences are the greatest joys in life, material things wear out, break and disappear, but great memories are the reason for those material things, create fun and excitement. I take the time to plan and create amazing experiences.
14) Quality of life for me is to feel confidence, excitement, self-love, and company with beautiful loving people. There is no negative sides from having great experiences, even when the experience i s unpleasant there is value in it. Even bad experiences are epic, intense, create a bond and teach life lessons.
15) To create amazing experiences I travel.
16) The environments I am surrounded by are my home, an extension of my self, the reflection of my values, aesthetics, and personality. I keep my home, clean, organize and efficient. It is tranquil, peaceful and serene. My enviorments is where I experience my quality of life, my home is a feedback loop, radiating awesomeness. I choose the qualities I want to experience and build them into my home.
17 ) quality of life is a choice and I choose daily to have an awesome life. Things can bring me joy, but can also weight me down, so I choose carefully. Awesome experiences is what life is all about. And I surround myself with excellent environments to bring more goodness into me.
Quality of Life Vision
Your Vision refers to the ideal state you would like to achieve in this important category. Ask yourself: How do you want this area of your life to feel? What do you want it to look like? What do you want to be doing on a consistent basis? Clearly describe your ideal Vision.
1) I know I am divine and that the whole world is my playground, whatever I want can be true, I just need to focus on it. I have a list of the things I want in my life, people, materials, experiences. I update this list constantly, crossing off what I already have and adding the new desires I got. I don’t ask for more than what I want and need.
2) There is nothing I can not do.
3) I travel, experience the country I live in and the world around it.
4) My home is a serious place where I experience my quality of life. I have a clear idea of what I want for my home, including the values I want my home to include. I know the environment I want to be surrounded by and the values they project.
Quality of Life Purpose
Your Purpose refers to the compelling reasons behind what you want in this category. What energizes you? What empowers you to take action? What motivates you to achieve your Vision? Describe WHY you want to make the most out of this area of your life?
1) I need reliable material things to work and to live a healthy life. It is easier to have a high quality of life when I surround myself with good material things and experiences.
2) I create a life of luxury in my own way and on my own budget. My purpose to have a high quality of life is to enjoy my time on this planet with my wife, kids and people I love. I want to enjoy all 12 categories every single day. The better life, the more I can contribute to others.
3) My house is part of my health plan, it supports my health, mental, emotional and spiritual grown, social, and environmental, political and more. I banish stress and chaos from my living environment, creating a peaceful environment for me, my partner, my children, friends, and family. This is an oasis, from the outside world, peaceful, calm absolutely beautiful, it is healing place, relaxing, happy inducive, peace inducive.
4) Experiences change my life, they improve who I am, it improves myself, makes me smarter, more educated, more spiritual. It brings me closer to the people I travel with. It is fun, adventurous, rich, I travel with friends and lovers, family and all that.
5) I want to say damn! I really lived this life, experienced the best of it, loved fully and was fully myself. Good things and experiences have a positive impact on all parts of my life. It’s a self-feeding mechanism.
Quality of Life Strategy
Your Strategy refers to the specific actions that will get you from where you are now to where you want to be. How will you bring your vision into reality? Ask yourself what kind of positive habits, attitudes and action steps you can implement. What’s the RECIPE for the Vision you want to create?
1) I constantly look at my vision in all areas of my life to remind me myself of my purpose, needs, and desires.
2) I focus on my health and finances to be sure I can support this quality of life. I also focus on saving to ensure my quality of life in the future. I have a financial plan and take the first step. Decide what it will take to get what and plan it out, find out how, when, why, where and with who.
3) Take a step forward moment to moment, meditate on the very next step, moment to moment.
4) Focus in all your environments, work, living, leisure. Choose the best you can and make significant changes to improve your life. Healing values are the most important in my life. When people walk into my place they walk into a tranquil peaceful home. Waterfalls are all around my home, light, living plants and animals. Relaxing music is also abundant. There is green life and other colors everywhere.
5) I will find the balance between living well and taking the time to do what it takes to create financial abundance. I plan all categories for short term and long term goals.
6) Find the recipe for the life you want. What are the ingredients? What are the steps? Leverage audio to create the mood you need. Aromatherapy is another great way to change the mood. Fire is calming, inspiring, warming and mood setting. Candles are the latest. Get rid of clutter, noise, dirt, and toxins. Create a theme for your home, fund, spirituality, sensuality, define the mood to project in the home then get the recipe. Use paint and materials you love. Get key pieces of furniture that you love, decorations that you love. Remember, the best things in life are free, sunset, sunrise, nature, star gazing, playing, creativity, paint, write, sing, friends. The secret of life is that it ends. Go towards your loves and enjoy your way to the ideal life. Release and purge everything that doesn’t belong in my life. Remember gratitude. For every new expensive thing, I get I will sell, gift and get rid of the things I do not longer use.
7) I take note and do the things that need to get done.
Focusing on New Empowering Beliefs
What limiting BELIEFS did you discover? What are your new empowering beliefs?
I used to think that building a high quality of life was an overwhelming task that I would never be able to wrap my head around. I use to think that spirituality and material fulfillment could not go hand in hand. Now I know that the power of God is within me, that I know my path and the things I need and desire. I know I deserve all that I can imagine, I know it is possible to organize my life and move towards my dreams every day.
- Bruno Treves