Reviewing Spiritual Life & Love Relationships
Yesterday was the beginning of my third week with the Lifebook program and I am already finishing all the homework with this coaching call. Today we’ll be reviewing the topics from this week. Spiritual Life: Finding my Center and Love Relationships: Fulfilling Needs. These may be possibly the two strongest areas of my life I am working on lately. I guess we are right in time.
Giving and Receiving
Beliefs are at the core of all outcomes in life. Our job is to get clear on our beliefs. Everything can be true, change the core beliefs that control our behavior, problems will make us question our own beliefs. We don’t need to all believe the same, just be clear on your beliefs, bring consciousness to everything. Don’t stop giving, just strengthen your boundaries. I am not easy to take advantage of, I choose the beliefs I will be ruled by and my life will dictate from that. Our thoughts become our reality, choose, moment to moment, the beliefs that uplift you and connect you with the divine within you.
We also learn to receive, give the joy of giving to others. Say thank you from the heart. A simple thank you is the minimum way to receive. Get an insight into what you want for yourself and what you want to see outside in the world. Find the meaning and purpose of your life. We all need to help and uplift each other, but we also need to find what else and what specifically to us. We all are built to be a parent, a child, a human, but what else? Get insight into who you are and what you want to see out there. No need to put pressure on yourself, maybe you are just here to have fun.
Know What We Know
There is no objective reality, it needs an observer to exist. We are the observer and we create a reality with our observations. People will prove and disprove everything we know. We know the universe has certain laws that we know, there are things we know, no one may know exactly how everything works, we just need a framework to work through.
There is an inner reality and outer reality. There is the stuff I know about me, and stuff I know about outside. Understanding the inside will help us understand the outside. Take the outside world, notice how it makes you resonate inside and then change the world around you. Spend time studying the mechanism that helps us differentiate between truth and not the truth.
There is an objective reality and a subjective reality, we are capable of understanding what is going on. I know how to live in this world and how to fulfill my life and live rightfully. Objectivity and relativity is a two-sided coin. We need an observer for the raw objective data truth that is in the universe. Learn how to manipulate your reality to create what you want.
Implementing Beliefs
We need to discover, uproot limiting beliefs and let go of them. Be conscious and take responsibility, discover new beliefs, try them on, practice them, consciously, change something consciously and see what happens. Try new things.
You don’t need to believe anything you want, beliefs need to balance out with reality, balance what is out there, and develop premises that will help me live the life I Want to live. Beliefs have to be empowering and resonate within us.
Be quite, meditate, listen to tiny little voice inside, the divine inside us, knows, the voice, with an answer for each one of us, Be ready to fail, be ok to fail, be responsible, nothing will happen unless you make it happen. I am the center of my universe, I am in the driver seat, be responsible, do the work, work through it. Don’t let yourself float, we are made for this, we are well equipped, believe in yourself, BELIEVE IN YOUR DIVINITY. DIVINO BETSATORI. Om.
Subjective truth is true for me, objective truth doesn’t care what you believe, intersubjective truth is common stories we share with others. Find evidence and elements in life that prove your beliefs are true. Find examples of the things you want to believe.
Doing Our Part
We are always, ultimately, on our own. Our work always comes first. We need to have the patience for others to harmonize to our song, find your song, find your dance and let others come in and harmonize. We are all on this together, we need to get along and help each other. Don’t let others pull you down, work on yourself and shine the goodness on others. Don’t judge, patience, kindness, and compassion, it’s ok to outgrow others and don’t shove anything down anyone, let the real ones come to you. Lead by example.
Take full responsibility for your happiness, and hold your partners to certain expectations. Spend time thinking about how to make your partners life awesome. Everything is inside of us, we can change it all. Be responsible for the thoughts you entertain, the words that come out of your mouth. Focus on your mindset, be generous to your self, be realistic. Focus on yourself and others will come to give, give to others and you will be working on yourself, we can all help each other feel better. Things don’t make us upset, but how we process them.
Resolving Conflict
Understand your enneagram type, personality system, understand your type and your partner’s type. Some people need space, some people need to engage. We might have different styles, learn how to harmonize, chose a strategy that works, get someone to calm down and bring both of you back to connection. Another strategy, understand love languages and express love before trying to resolve conflict. Establish structures and tools to resolve different forms of conflict. Allow touch to happen, eye gaze, hug, cuddle, exercise, a process in individually before coming back. Find insight into communication styles, create a safe space for a discussion. Hold hands, set up rules, agreements, purpose, intention for the talk, write it down if needed, take notes if needed. Write down new values, agreements, commitments, understandings, affirmations, writing down allows for more awareness and stability in understanding. Learn to handle disagreements.
Making Decisions and Knowing What We Want
Our primary responsibility in life is to figure out what we want. Try things out and figure out what works for you. It comes down to living responsibly, experiment, get opinions and find out what works for you. Meditate, read books about it, let yourself be in the now, let the universe bring it to you. We have to put energy and thought in what we want, there are infinite possibilities, you gotta try things, no one can tell you what we want, we have to check it out. We are the only ones that can find out what we need, we can get ideas from others but we are the ones that know. Meditation is the best tool to find out what is right for us. Our brains are built to know, believe in yourself and that you can know.
How to Compromise
Everything in life is a tradeoff, everything is compromised from beginning to end. We compromise whether we know it or not. You need to know the bottom life. Do onto others as you would like them to do onto you. What is your energy, what energy do you want, what are you willing to give up for that? Change your compromises and know that you can also have it all, but for that, you need to tear down and let go of the things that are holding you back.
Remember the obstacle is the way, sit quietly, visualize your life, and let inspiration come in, let the answers come in. Conclusions aren’t as scary as you may think. Use visualization, let truth and possibility come to you, notice how you feel and be brave. Let stuff be uncovered, deal with the things you learn, shake it all loose, address it, look at it and deal with it. Put the courage pants on. Family comes first, first me, then the partner, then the kids, then the kids’ kids, then our individual families, then our tribe, then our extended family, then our community, then all living beings.
Bruno Treves