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Reviewing Health, Fitness & Intellectual Life

It’s not even the end of my first week with this new self-development program, and I am already noticing some interesting changes. Perhaps the area that was affected the most was in regards to my Divino BetSatori, I even had my Best Performance (Yet).

The first chapter of this program was about Going Deep into Health and Fitness, and the second one focused on our Intellectual Life & Finding Ourselves.  To be perfectly honest, I am enjoying the material, but haven’t put 100% effort into it. That being said, I am still getting a ton out of it and I am excited to learn more. In fact, as I start this blog I am in the middle of a conference call with the directors of the self-development program I am working on. They have a ton of insightful answer to participants questions. The dynamics are excellent.

The program is divided into 12 categories of life, each one containing four areas: what you believe, what you want, why you want it and how to get it. These are also referred to as premise, purpose, vision, and strategy. One way to continue evolving our categories is to refresh each category every month or to do it entirely at least once every two years. Its also good to print it as soon as we have it all ready. After finishing the program and getting it on print, it’s useful to go over it and make some notes over it to integrate into the next version.

General Advice to Do it Right

It’s impressive to hear how much these people have worked on this program. Their program is a way of redesigning life consciously. The first time it’s about getting to know who we are right now. It’s a recognition of who we want to become and how we can get there.

Self-discipline is the most important piece, it allows us to get what we want from life.

When we discover believes that are not helpful we have to toss them away and include new beliefs. Another good program is called Clear Your Beliefs. Take control of your beliefs and make sure they are empowering. It’s also important to focus on positive beliefs over negative beliefs. Another great advice is to keep it simple, avoid overthinking and trust the process. The further you go along, the higher you get, the further you will be able to see as you look back. Its really about writing a book about the person we want to become. Focusing on the clarity of our vision is one of the most powerful things we can do.

Reviewing Health, Fitness & Intellectual Life Categories

During the first week’s coaching call, I learned a ton of new things and was reminded of many I already knew about regarding health and wellness.

The first topic covered was regarding metabolic rate. to find this nutrition/metabolic type. We can go to wellness centers that take blood and urine analyses to go deep into knowing about ourselves. Some people are fast metabolizers and can crash if not eating the right amount of food. Slow metabolizers need food that metabolizes quickly. Fast metabolizers need slow burning foods. Brain energy depends on this.

Aside from that, the basics are golden. Exercise daily, ideally in the morning, do your meditation, yoga, some form of movement. Drink lots of water, eat healthily, get your nutrition and don’t beat yourself up when you treat yourself to something that isn’t optimal. Ups and downs are normal, even athletes go through it. We need to find our baseline and work on staying as high above it as possible. One way to go about it is to focus on resistance, cardio, and flexibility, or strength, endurance and mobility.

Thats plenty for now,

Bruno Treves

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Intellectual Life – Category #2 Tue, 02 Apr 2019 16:44:01 +0000 The post Intellectual Life – Category #2 appeared first on UPLIFTED XYZ.


Intellectual Life, Finding Myself 02

This is the second installment on the series of blogs about the semi-free self-development course I am doing online. The first chapter was about Going Deep into Health and Fitness, and this one focuses on our Intellectual Life.  I’ve been going hard at doing this homework, hoping it will support my stability and discipline while guiding me into seeing the life I want more clearly.

Below are my notes from the course and below that you will find the answers to my homework questions.

Intellectual Life Category

If you don’t use your brain properly, you won’t be around for very long. Unconscious actions, even a single one, can ruin our relationships, our health and fitness, our career and much more. We all have made some bad desitions in our life. Using our intelligence correctly is key to our ideal life. We need intelligence to navigate towards our life vision. Failure and victory depend on our intellect.

Our beliefs guide our actions forward. We must have a strong mind. This is one of our highest assets. It needs to be exercised, nurtured, guided and cared for. True intelligence is living a successful healthy life. This requires continuous right action, this is a true accomplishment. Live intelligently.

Choose to think and what you think about, control your inner world, be purposeful with your thinking. Guide your thoughts and actions to a clear vision of your ideal future. What you think about you bring about, thoughts bring up manifestations.

You can get sick with your thoughts and heal with your thoughts, it’s up to you.

Intellectual Life Premise

Your Premise refers to the foundational beliefs you hold about this category. What do you believe? What deeply held beliefs are shaping your life? Are your beliefs empowering? Do they move you at a deep level or are they holding you back? What is your Premise for this area of your life, or what would you like it to be?

1) I am divine creation, I am in charge of my life, I have what I need to get what I want. Everything is available to me. Breathe is the main source of energy.

2) The universe is one, created and experienced by individual perception. Reality is subjective. The world is made of opposites that split into infinite possibilities. We chose what we experience and can place infinite meaning in every single moment.

3) I know what I like and what I don’t, what feels good and doesn’t. I know what gives me energy and what drains me. I know which thoughts are empowering and which ones bring shame, guilt, pain, and sadness. I know what I need to do to be at peace.

4) Every thought has a reaction or effect. Everything that I perceive is changed by me and changes me. This infinite world has everything I want and more, it’s up to me to decide where I want to focus.

Intellectual Life Vision

Your Vision refers to the ideal state you would like to achieve in this important category. Ask yourself: How do you want this area of your life to feel? What do you want it to look like? What do you want to be doing on a consistent basis? Clearly describe your ideal Vision.

1) Clarity is the most important. It’s ok to know I may never know it all, in the meantime I know there are things I know to be true, health, love, friendship, adventure, beauty, joy, sex, community. These are all real elements in my life and I nurture them,

2) When I see something I like, I go for it. When I hear something that makes sense, I trust that. I am patient with myself, taking all the time I need to listen to myself and choose what I want to do w my life.

3) My nature is to learn and teach, still, remain detached from the information and teachings. I try new things when it feels like the right thing to do, and I am able to pick new things and let them go at will.

4) I trust that what I know and like is good. I trust that I deserve it, that I have the right to have it, enjoy it, love it, care for it, and let go of it when I feel its time. I am not afraid of taking or leaving anything because I know that there is no absolute good or bad, no absolute right or wrong, only experience, exploration of the self, exploration of myself and no one knows more about my life and my world, than me. I know I create with my thoughts and no one can take that from me. I am the creator of my reality I am the creator of my reality I am the creator of my reality I am the creator of my reality I am the creator of my reality I am the creator of my reality I am the creator of my reality I am the creator of my reality.

Intellectual Life Purpose

Your Purpose refers to the compelling reasons behind what you want in this category. What energizes you? What empowers you to take action? What motivates you to achieve your Vision? Describe WHY you want to make the most out of this area of your life

1) Authenticity and self-love, the key to enjoying myself. I am with me all the time, might as well love it. Truth is I am fucking awesome and tons of people love me. This world and I can benefit from me being me and doing the things I love, I am an adult now, I am in charge of my life, and I know that the best way of taking care of others is by taking care of myself.

2) Feeling good empowers me to take action, staying healthy and doing the things I want to, in the flow, allows me to be more of myself, my natural self is healthy because it follows his heart that never betrays. I am driven by the desires in my heart, they are beautiful, to me, others may ignore their magic but I know what is true, good and beautiful for myself, other people can choose something else, I am me.

3) The more I learn and study, the more I talk to people and practice being in harmony with them, the more I am able to accept all that is, allowing everything, including myself, to expand into more being, fully, other lives may have other paths, I got my own, no one knows my path, only I know where I step and where I want to step next, my heart, mind and body may lead me in different directions, but sooner or later the I that is me realizes what it wants and steers the ship to a new direction. By being myself and trusting myself, my desires, my impulses, I can be of service to me and spread the love that is in my heart.

4) Every time I have a thought I can watch it and break it down for eternity, or I can simply let it go. I can find out what the thought is telling me and what the most positive thing that I can do with it is. I can choose to be mad or choose to love, I can choose to be in a rush or be patient, the circumstances offer different aspects that lead to different possibilities, I choose which way I want to steer my ship, fearlessly, knowing that all I want is available for me, always closer than I can feel it and always growing deeper inside of me as I expand with the whole universe and the whole universe expands inside of me.

Intellectual Life Strategy

Your Strategy refers to the specific actions that will get you from where you are now to where you want to be. How will you bring your vision into reality? Ask yourself what kind of positive habits, attitudes and action steps you can implement. What’s the RECIPE for the Vision you want to create?

1) Repeat to myself: I am Divino BetSatori, I am betting on my divinity, constantly, I trust myself divine in every moment. We bet on our divinity, means we bet on our divinity and bet on your divinity, we bet on the divinity of all things, everything is divine. Everything is divine.

2) Everything is divine and all my choices are divine, whether I go deep down a shit hole or all the way up to heaven it will always be divine because it all comes from God. That means I can do whatever the fuck I want, listen to whomever, go wherever, be with whomever, whenever for whatever reason. I don’t need to explain myself or listen to anything I do.

3) Whenever something doesn’t feel right I notice it, I take note of it, and I choose what to do with it. Taking into consideration that there is no right or wrong, and trusting that my truth will set me free.

4) I trust that whatever comes to me, welcomed or uninvited, is for my benefit, all that comes from God and God loves me, loves everyone and gives everyone the will to choose, to be brave and follow the hearts desires that hide behind the fear of death and separation. There is no separation:

Divino BetSatori

Focusing on New Empowering Beliefs

At the end of the homework we were asked to answer the following question:

What limiting BELIEFS did you discover? What are your new empowering beliefs?

Intelligence is more than the grades we got in school. Mainstream education does not teach about the most important thing in your life, which of course is your life itself. Think deeply about who you are, what you believe, what you want and why you want it. It is smart to think about ourselves, contemplate on what we want and believe we can do it. Believe in your intelligence, believe that you can improve, learn more and continue to educate yourself wisely. We need to continue learning to stay ahead of the curve. Think, pay attention, learn and improve so that your chances of success increase.

My favorite quote from this chapter: “We tolerate bad ideas because we don’t have enough reverence for the truth.”

Uncover contradictions and follow the truth. Choose empowering beliefs over disempowering beliefs”. Respect logic, reason, and rationality.

The most practical thing you can think of is your own life. Schedule time to walk in nature, reflect, see what is working and what isn’t find out if you are getting closer or further from the life you want to live.

Be sure to travel, open yourself to new ideas and make sure to create as much information as you consume. Keep a balance.

  • Bruno Treves

The post Intellectual Life – Category #2 appeared first on UPLIFTED XYZ.
